When I first announced that I would be writing posts about Bible study, a friend asked me what I considered the difference between reading and studying. I told her that I addressed that in my first post: “Bible Study Foundations”. But upon reflect, I don’t think that I actually answered the question, so here is my answer. Intensity.
Let me take you on a “tour” of my reading/study routine.
Every morning I begin with private devotions that lasts for about an hour. This time is occupied with a number of methods of interaction with God.
- I pray. Often I use the Praying the Word: Prayer & Promise Cards available in the Prayer Resources at Revival and Reformation (revivalandreformation.org). I find these helpful first thing in the morning when my brain is still waking up.
- I read from a book that encourages a relationship with God.
- I read a portion of a book of the Bible that I’m focusing on. Currently, that is Revelation because I am listening to a series of lectures on Revelation. As a read I consider how the passage connects with other portions of scripture. Sometimes I’m surprised by what I read; as I mentioned in my post this Wednesday on the book of Micah. I take notes and sometimes write the kernel of what will eventually become a blog article or sermon.
- I read a number of devotional thoughts that friends post on Facebook. I don’t begin here because Facebook can be distracting, but after I’ve prayed, read, and pondered for almost an hour my mind is in God’s narrow way. I enjoy reading what others have found in their morning devotional time. I often share something that I learned in my time. Sharing is an important part of my reading/studying.